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Membership of Lockerbie Wildlife Trust is by subscription, renewable annually in September.
At present, each member receives a membership card giving details of
a) The Winter Talks Programme (normally from October to March)
b) The Main Fund-raising Events

Copies of the monthly Eskrigg Nature Reserve News Bulletins are available on the website and a copy will be sent to every member who has supplied an email address. Copies are also available for viewing in Eskrigg Centre.
Members will receive priority booking for seats on any trips. Entry to all meetings is free.

Trust Meetings and Winter Talks Programme

For details click here.


These usually take place in the early summer (May/June) or early autumn (September/October). Transport depends on the number of people interested - either shared private cars, ATI minibus or hired coach. Each trip is costed independently and the costs shared by those involved. For details of planned trips see 'Activities'.

To become a member

The Trust's financial year begins on the 1st of September and ends on the 31st August the following year. New members may join at any time of the year and will be due to pay an initial sum which is equal to 1/12th of the annual subscription for each month of the financial year remaining. Thereafter the full membership subscription will be due on the 1st September each year.

The easiest way to apply for membership, renew an existing membership or to update your details, is to use our new interactive forms.

However, if you prefer to just fill in a pdf form, click on "Membership forms" and then choose "Membership Application Form", print out a copy, complete the form and then send it, together with the appropriate membership fee, to the Membership Secretary as detailed on the form.

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